
Christian Life Pricing

(Not for award)

Application Fee
One time fee
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For printed version, please add €10/each module

MQF/EQF Level 2 Qualification

18 ECTS Credits

Starting Dates:

Students can choose to start their studies at their convenient date.

Full-time Course

Six months duration


Two months/module.

Mode of Learning

Lectures Workshops forums Video VLE


25 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70% Student Learning Requirement

Further learning opportunities

After completing this program, the student can progress to the Christan Service in the Community program (MQF/EQF Level 3)

Program Learning Outcomes

Overall Course Objectives

Value the importance of Christian discipleship. Understand the importance of spiritual disciplines. Communicate the message of the Gospel using various methods learned in this module. Select the best activity in a given situation to carry out discipleship activities. Become a responsible Christian committed to living a disciplined life. Define foundations of areas of discipleship discussed in the module. Apply principles that produce a responsible citizen. Follows instructions regarding obeying biblical foundations of the disciplined life.

Learning Outcomes for Communication Skills

Understand biblical requirements for spiritual growth. Express the value of life in the context of biblical Christianity. Describe concepts of four of spiritual disciplines. Explain the importance of the development of the Christian life. Share with others the benefits of the disciplined life.

Learning Outcomes for Learning to Learn Skills

Demonstrate understanding of basic Christian values. Practice a lifestyle of Christlikeness. Teach peers the principles of the Christian Life. Lead others in spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, and Bible studies.

Target Group

Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians. Sunday Schools Small Home-Group Bible Studies Emerging leaders

Devotional Development

Doctrinal Development

Character Development

Service Development

90-100% A 4 Superior  80-89% B 3 Good 70-79% C 2 Satisfactory 0-69 F 0 Fail CHRISTIAN LIFE GRADING RUBRIC

Pricing for the Christian Life NCFHE Award

MQF/EQF Level 2 - 18 Modules

Normal costs for each module
Normal cost for the award
Application Fee
One time fee
Exam per module
1 ECTS credit including Assessments and Portal Access
PDF Download
For printed version, please add €10/each module
Change of Program fee
module Extension fee
Graduation Fee
Transcript Fee
Reactivation Fee
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
+356 79475618
+356 21435529
DELIVERY ADDRESS: Knisja Evangelika Battista, 227 Kungress Ewkaristiku, Mosta, Malta

MQF/EQF Level 2 Qualification

18 ECTS Credits

Starting Dates:

Students can choose to start their studies at their convenient date.

Full-time Course

Six months duration


Two months/module.

Mode of Learning

Lectures Workshops forums Video VLE


25 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70% Student Learning Requirement

Further learning opportunities

After completing this program, the student can progress to the Christan Service in the Community program (MQF/EQF Level 3)

Program Learning Outcomes

Overall Course Objectives

Value the importance of Christian discipleship. Understand the importance of spiritual disciplines. Communicate the message of the Gospel using various methods learned in this module. Select the best activity in a given situation to carry out discipleship activities. Become a responsible Christian committed to living a disciplined life. Define foundations of areas of discipleship discussed in the module. Apply principles that produce a responsible citizen. Follows instructions regarding obeying biblical foundations of the disciplined life.

Learning Outcomes for Communication


Understand biblical requirements for spiritual growth. Express the value of life in the context of biblical Christianity. Describe concepts of four of spiritual disciplines. Explain the importance of the development of the Christian life. Share with others the benefits of the disciplined life.

Learning Outcomes for Learning to Learn


Demonstrate understanding of basic Christian values. Practice a lifestyle of Christlikeness. Teach peers the principles of the Christian Life. Lead others in spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, and Bible studies.

Target Group

Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians. Sunday Schools Small Home-Group Bible Studies Emerging leaders
90-100% A 4 Superior  80-89% B 3 Good 70-79% C 2 Satisfactory 0-69 F 0 Fail CHRISTIAN LIFE GRADING RUBRIC

Devotional Development

Doctrinal Development

Character Development

Service Development

Christian Life Pricing (Not for award)

Application Fee
One time fee
PDF Download
For printed version, please add €10/each module
Pricing for the Christian Life NCFHE Award MQF Level 2 - 18 Modules
Normal costs for each module
Normal cost for the award
Application Fee
One time fee
Exam per module
1 ECTS credit including Assessments and Portal Access
PDF Download
For printed version, please add €10/each module
Change of Program fee
Course Extension fee
Graduation Fee
Transcript Fee
Reactkvation Fee
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology


OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
+356 79475618
+356 21435529
CLASS ADDRESS Knisja Evangelika Battista 227, Kungress Ewkaristiku Mosta,Malta